July 13, 2011

Google+....the hype!!

Why has google+ become a hit?
Is it because of completely new features...i think not!
It has features from both twitter and facebook....the best of both worlds.
Then why the gaga over it?

I read an article recently that i found worth sharing....


  1. Post by Robert Scoble (mentioned as the ersatz leader in the piece above):

    Robert Scoble says - My wife: "Did you read John Dvorak and what he wrote about you and Google+? That is funny." Then she says "can't say I disagree."
    "Ahh, my life has been reduced to a Dvorak column. Hmmm!!"

    Well all I can say is...it could have been worse...he could have been in the News of The World!! :-)

  2. Kara Swisher's exclusive Scobly-Don't interview...In which she reveals the Scoble plot to take over Google+...

